The Fraternal Order of Police is the nation’s largest police organization with a membership of 310,000. Founded in 1915, the F.O.P. represents professional, full-time officers from all agencies of law enforcement. The State Lodge of Michigan was formed in 1939 and is proud to be Michigan’s largest and oldest law enforcement organization. We have a membership of 7,500 Active and 5,000 Associate members organized in 70 lodges located throughout the State. The F.O.P. is recognized as the VOICE of law enforcement in Michigan.
The Grand Rapids Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #97 was granted its Charter on February 19, 1939. The FOP was once the union representation for the Grand Rapids Police Department, but that later changed in the 1980’s and the Grand Rapids lodge is strictly fraternal in its organization. Then in 2014 we changed our name to better identify ourselves as a metropolitan lodge. We became the Gerald R. Ford Metro Lodge 97. President Gerald R. Ford was a lifetime member of our lodge.
The lodge currently consists of nearly 500 Active members and 100 Associate members. Our lodge is active in the community donating thousands of dollars to local charities and fundraisers as well as holding fundraising events of our own. In addition to the monthly meetings, we hold retiree breakfasts, annual steak fry, golf outing, children’s Christmas party, Police Memorial Day service, and many other worthwhile events.
The GERALD R. FORD METRO LODGE NO. 97 currently has Active memberships from Grand Rapids PD, Kent County Sheriff’s Department, Walker PD, Grandville PD, Rockford PD, Wyoming PD, Grand Valley State University Department of Public Safety, East Grand Rapids DPS, Ottawa County Sheriff’s Department, Federal Bureau of Investigation (F.B.I.), Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF), Michigan State Police and the DNR. We also have Associate members from all walks of life as well as part-time police officers. Our current lodge is located at 1753 Alpine Ave NW in the City of Grand Rapids. Our mailing address is Grand Rapids Police Department 01 Monroe Center NW Grand Rapids, Michigan 49503.